August 16, 2012

Comedy Night - version 1.1 coming soon!

We are currently busy finishing up the free update for Comedy Night, we are making the following changes:

  • When searching for sessions to perform it won't show session that already have 2 performers
  • You can now go up on stage from the crowd without having to leave and re-join the session
  • You can now join the crowd if you up on stage without having to leave and re-join the session
  • We now visually show a chat icon above the avatars who are talking in the crowd
  • We now have 10 different options you can perform in the crowd (previously it was just 2 with Cheer & Boo)
  • As a crowd member you now have the ability to vote off performers
  • We now always display if the audience chat is enabled or disabled and changed the wording to make it easier to understand
  • Fixed a bug with enable/disable audience chat not working for players who join after you have changed the setting.
This update will go into testing on Monday night and will hopefully go live later next week.

Hope you like the list of changes! It's been great watching the shows and getting feedback!
Don't forget to rate Comedy Night on Xbox and tell your friends about the game!


  1. Very nice. I look forward to seeing the new crowd reactions.

  2. What is the chance of getting the makers of the game to come to a show i'm preforming? I have an actual routine.

    1. Cool, what's your GamerTag and when do you perform?

    2. GT: iDemogoblin. I'm always on but I usually perform at night. I'm also doing a special this weekend.
